Surface Radiation Budgets for LBA

Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
University of Maryland, College Park

Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science






Global scale

Continental scale

Regional scale

Available Data

In progress





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Continental scale

Three years (1990-1992) of high-resolution radiative fluxes have been processed, based on the ISSCCP DX satellite observations, over a domain bounded by (20 S, 7 N and 80 W, 50 W).  A three year average of monthly mean values of surface downward PAR (W/m*2), for South America, is shown in Figure 3 Since the Amazon region is covered both by GOES and METEOSAT satellites, the satellite observations are merged, using EOF analysis. The data are available at 3 hourly intervals as instantaneous, hourly averaged, daily and monthly means and distributed via the Global Land Cover Facility (GLCF), Earth Science Information Partnership (ESIP) Federation, at the University of Maryland, at:

The monthly mean values of surface shortwave downward and upward flux, NIR surface downward and upward flux, and PAR surface downward and upward flux, are provided at this website.

These data could be used by the modeling community to synthesize regional hydrological models, and to study teleconnections. We plan to obtain a five year record of data at this resolution.

(Figure from Roni Avissar, Duke University, unpublished)


Maintained by Chuan Li