I graduated from Washington University in St. Louis (WashU or WUSTL as we liked to call it) in 2012 with a major in mathematics, a minor in physics, and a minor in Earth & planetary sciences (EPS).
While at WashU, I worked as an undergraduate research assistant in both the physics and EPS departments, working on metallic glasses and nucleation studies under Dr. Ken Kelton in the former and stable isotope analysis of a flat pebble conglomorate sequence under Dr. David Fike in the latter. I have also worked some as an assistant at M7 Electro-Optics.
After spending my first year (before joining Dr. Salawitch's group) as a teaching assistant for AOSC 200 and AOSC 201 and third year for AOSC 652 and AOSC 433/633 here at UMD, I am now doing research working with the linear-regression-based climate model originally by Tim Canty and Nora Mascioli, focusing on temperature trends in the modern historical observations and projections of temperature into the future. I have presented on my work at AGU'14, AMS'15, AMS'16, and the inaugural GWU graduate student symposium.
I advanced to candidacy in September 2015 and, along the way to a PhD, officially earned my Masters' at the May 2016 graduation. After working on a book with Dr. Salawitch that is currently in production (book website live) I am now currently working on turning my five-plus years of reserach into a journal article, with an eye on defending my dissertation this school year.
Aside from the teaching assitantships for two of my early years here, I have also been a TA for AOSC494 (the undergrad course corresponding to the department seminar series), MATH 246 (Differential Equations), and am returning to TAing AOSC200 and AOSC201 this fall.